close to my heart, family, Fulltime Family, RV life, travel

Fulltime Family

So, our family has a little announcement. Okay, so maybe it's not so little. (And no, I'm not pregnant... how many of y'all thought I was headed in that direction?) We're leaving Spain! And that's not the half of it. You see, I've always done things a little differently and what I'm about to tell… Continue reading Fulltime Family

family, Hola, Rota!, random, Spain, travel

Morocco in a Day

Before we moved to Southern Spain, I did what any overly excited travel-lover would do; I started researching the travel possibilities that moving to Spain would provide. One of my top travel destinations on my to-do list was Morocco. After researching, I soon made a jaw-dropping discovery; living in the Rota area, the only thing… Continue reading Morocco in a Day

family, Spain, travel


I love Spain. Seriously, I do. One of those reasons is because of places like Ronda. The location in which we live allows us to hop over to other beautiful towns and experience more culture. Ronda is a town that is only a little over 2 hours away. Ronda has beautiful, beautiful (I said it… Continue reading Ronda

family, Spain, travel

A Bodega and a sampling of Sevilla

We've lived here for about 15 months now and we finally had our first family visitors come stay with us. I had been counting down the days ever since they bought their airline tickets. My older sister, Whitney and my little brother, Seth flew in together for a fun-filled 9 day Spanish vacation with yours… Continue reading A Bodega and a sampling of Sevilla

family, living the military life, my smoking hot husband, our first daughter, our second daughter, Spain, travel

Grazalema: The Hike

This past weekend, I got the hankerin' for a change of scenery. Being Navy, our life usually brings us near the ocean. After almost 8 years of living near the sea, we've grown accustomed to beach life. The sand, sun and tan lines are wonderful, of course, but this Missouri girl sometimes misses spending a day… Continue reading Grazalema: The Hike

family, just for fun, motherhood, our first daughter, our second daughter

Embracing a Good Mess

In my pre-Mom years, when I saw a sticky-fingered, snot-nosed, messy child, I vowed that I would never be that Mom who would ever let that happen. When my oldest, Aliana was a toddler, she was the epitome of a girly girl. She was neat and tidy. I have saved the majority of her clothing… Continue reading Embracing a Good Mess

EOD, family, friends, living the military life, my smoking hot husband, our first daughter, our second daughter

The Meal With Turkey and Stuff

Sometimes, as a military family, the location for a Thanksgiving dinner is less than ideal. In my 7 years of marriage, I have never cooked a turkey. Thanksgiving, to me, is a time to challenge my siblings and cousins to relentless games of Mario on the Nintendo for hours on end. And I guess, if… Continue reading The Meal With Turkey and Stuff