close to my heart, family, Fulltime Family, RV life, travel

Fulltime Family

So, our family has a little announcement. Okay, so maybe it's not so little. (And no, I'm not pregnant... how many of y'all thought I was headed in that direction?) We're leaving Spain! And that's not the half of it. You see, I've always done things a little differently and what I'm about to tell… Continue reading Fulltime Family

Hola, Rota!, Spain, things i love, travel

Alpaca Farm Stay

If you've read my blog for long, you know I love the country. I'm a small town Missouri girl who accidentally happened upon a life of world travel. I love jaunts to the city every now and again, but if you tell me there's an opportunity to head to the country for a couple of… Continue reading Alpaca Farm Stay

Hola, Rota!, random

Cadiz Carnaval Parade [Take a Seat]

Out of the 8 years I've lived outside of the United States, one of the worst experiences I've had as a foreigner took place at a parade. I've been boycotting parades ever since, but decided to end the strike all in the name of Carnaval. To make things easier, I decided to pursue reserving seats… Continue reading Cadiz Carnaval Parade [Take a Seat]

just for fun, travel

Doors: Morocco

Last year I posted this blog containing photos of doors throughout Spain and Portugal. While we were in Morocco, their doors were so colorful and detailed, I decided to bring you a second series of door photos for your viewing pleasure. So, without further adieu... Which door is your favorite?

family, Hola, Rota!, random, Spain, travel

Morocco in a Day

Before we moved to Southern Spain, I did what any overly excited travel-lover would do; I started researching the travel possibilities that moving to Spain would provide. One of my top travel destinations on my to-do list was Morocco. After researching, I soon made a jaw-dropping discovery; living in the Rota area, the only thing… Continue reading Morocco in a Day

family, Spain, travel


I love Spain. Seriously, I do. One of those reasons is because of places like Ronda. The location in which we live allows us to hop over to other beautiful towns and experience more culture. Ronda is a town that is only a little over 2 hours away. Ronda has beautiful, beautiful (I said it… Continue reading Ronda

family, Spain, travel

A Bodega and a sampling of Sevilla

We've lived here for about 15 months now and we finally had our first family visitors come stay with us. I had been counting down the days ever since they bought their airline tickets. My older sister, Whitney and my little brother, Seth flew in together for a fun-filled 9 day Spanish vacation with yours… Continue reading A Bodega and a sampling of Sevilla

family, living the military life, my smoking hot husband, our first daughter, our second daughter, Spain, travel

Grazalema: The Hike

This past weekend, I got the hankerin' for a change of scenery. Being Navy, our life usually brings us near the ocean. After almost 8 years of living near the sea, we've grown accustomed to beach life. The sand, sun and tan lines are wonderful, of course, but this Missouri girl sometimes misses spending a day… Continue reading Grazalema: The Hike

Spain, travel

Feria: The Women

When you go to Feria, the women are the stars of the show. They're beautiful, vibrant, confident and they know it. Photography-wise, the women were the most fun to photograph. There were women wearing the typical clothing for horse-riding. They were tough and beautiful in their own right. Her hat. Oh, her hat. Then there… Continue reading Feria: The Women

Spain, travel

Feria: The Kids

Horse-riding is a pretty common activity here in Spain. Driving through the local area, you can see horses all over the place. With that in mind, it still never ceases to amaze me at how confident young riders are and how confident their parents are to have them around such large animals in the first… Continue reading Feria: The Kids