Hola, Rota!, Spain, things i love, travel

Alpaca Farm Stay

If you've read my blog for long, you know I love the country. I'm a small town Missouri girl who accidentally happened upon a life of world travel. I love jaunts to the city every now and again, but if you tell me there's an opportunity to head to the country for a couple of… Continue reading Alpaca Farm Stay

Hola, Rota!, photography, Spain, things i love

Feria [Carriages and Other Happy Things]

During certain hours at Feria, you can pay a fee to ride around the feria grounds in a horse carriage. I'm completely satisfied with watching them all go by and photographing them. On the third day I went to feria, I went to Jerez de la Frontera solo; just me and my camera. It was… Continue reading Feria [Carriages and Other Happy Things]

just for fun, living the military life, things i love, travel

10 Reasons Why I Love Living Overseas

I get emails all the time here and there from hundreds of military spouses who are considering making the move overseas. I could go on and on about the positives of overseas life, but let me share my top 10. 10) Disconnecting. In addition to not living in the US, I went without American TV for 4.5… Continue reading 10 Reasons Why I Love Living Overseas

Hola, Rota!, Spain, things i love

Sunday Morning Antique Market

I'm not gonna lie, the majority of my Sunday mornings are spent in my robe on my sofa enjoying a coffee while listening to the laughter of my three daughters. Classy, right? In the event that I get the hankerin' to put on something decent and have an easy Sunday stroll, the Sunday Morning Antique… Continue reading Sunday Morning Antique Market

our first daughter, things i love

First Week of 1st Grade

This week we spent our first week easing into Aliana's 1st grade year. This is our second year homeschooling and I can say that the first week went so much smoother than I could have imagined. Aliana is eager, excited and ready to rock as a 1st grader. This week (among other things) she began… Continue reading First Week of 1st Grade

my smoking hot husband, our first daughter, our second daughter, photography, Spain, things i love

An old building with people in front of it

Last weekend was our anniversary. We traveled about 15 minutes to a nearby town in Sanlucar to celebrate a little with playing "tourist" for the day. On the way back, I noticed this run-down building and snapped this photo from the car. Since we had a long day and it was getting late, further exploration… Continue reading An old building with people in front of it

birth, close to my heart, family, friends, health, motherhood, my homebirth, my smoking hot husband, our first daughter, our second daughter, pregnancy, things i love, videos

Leila’s Homebirth Video

In celebration of Leila being 6 months old today, (and the fact it took me a while to figure out the video editing program) I've finally finished Leila's homebirth video! So, without further adieu... You can also read her full birth story here. Midwifery Care provided by Cindi Denbow, CNM, ARNP with Gentle Birth Options Chiropractic… Continue reading Leila’s Homebirth Video