
Lisbon City Break

You guys. I can't believe I've never been to Lisbon before now. If I could do the last 5 years over again, I would make Lisbon and the surrounding areas an annual trip.It is such a cool city (and I'm not a city girl, y'all!). It's super budget-friendly and most of the restaurants we ate… Continue reading Lisbon City Break

Hola, Rota!, photography, Spain, things i love

Feria [Carriages and Other Happy Things]

During certain hours at Feria, you can pay a fee to ride around the feria grounds in a horse carriage. I'm completely satisfied with watching them all go by and photographing them. On the third day I went to feria, I went to Jerez de la Frontera solo; just me and my camera. It was… Continue reading Feria [Carriages and Other Happy Things]

Hola, Rota!, random, Spain, travel, travel tips

Sevilla Overnight

Rota and its' surrounding towns are comfortably small, situated right on the coast. There aren't vast amounts of people except for in summer when tourists come to enjoy the beautiful Spanish beaches. Although our area is pretty much a perfect place to be, every now and again I may get the hankerin' for a quick… Continue reading Sevilla Overnight

just for fun, living the military life, things i love, travel

10 Reasons Why I Love Living Overseas

I get emails all the time here and there from hundreds of military spouses who are considering making the move overseas. I could go on and on about the positives of overseas life, but let me share my top 10. 10) Disconnecting. In addition to not living in the US, I went without American TV for 4.5… Continue reading 10 Reasons Why I Love Living Overseas

Hola, Rota!, random

Cadiz Carnaval Parade [Take a Seat]

Out of the 8 years I've lived outside of the United States, one of the worst experiences I've had as a foreigner took place at a parade. I've been boycotting parades ever since, but decided to end the strike all in the name of Carnaval. To make things easier, I decided to pursue reserving seats… Continue reading Cadiz Carnaval Parade [Take a Seat]

Hola, Rota!, Spain, travel, travel tips

Cadiz By Foot – Purple Route

No matter how many times I've been, Cadiz always seems to draw me back. It's one of the largest cities in our area and it seems to always have something going on and it's never short of things to see. We recently decided to head over to Cadiz and play tourist for an afternoon by… Continue reading Cadiz By Foot – Purple Route